الله اكبر > لااله الا الله محمد رسول الله
******** src="????? ??????? ???? ???? ????_files/p.js" type="text/**********">
******** ********="**********">
function tb5_makeArray(n){ this.length = n; return this.length;
tb5_messages = new tb5_makeArray(2);
tb5_messages[0] = "Hacked | by";
tb5_messages[1] = "HaCkEr NuMaN ";
tb5_rptType = 'infinite';
tb5_rptNbr = 100;
tb5_speed = 200;
tb5_delay = 50;
var tb5_counter=1;
var tb5_currMsg=0;
var tb5_stsmsg="";
function tb5_shuffle(arr){
var k;
for (i=0; i
An object-oriented Typing Text script, to allow for multiple instances.
A script that causes any text inside any text element to be "typed out", one letter at a
time. Note that any HTML tags will not be included in the typed output, to prevent them
from causing problems. Tested in Firefox v1.5.0.1, Opera v8.52, Konqueror v3.5.1, and IE
Browsers that do not support this script will simply see the text fully displayed from the
start, including any HTML tags.
Functions defined: TypingText(element, [interval = 100,] [cursor = "",] [finishedCallback = function()
{return}]): Create a new TypingText object around the given element. Optionally specify a delay between characters of interval milliseconds. cursor allows users to specify some HTML to be appended to the end of the string whilst typing. Optionally, can also be a function which accepts the current text as an argument. This allows the user to create a "dynamic cursor" which changes depending on the latest character or the current length of the string. finishedCallback allows advanced scripters to supply a function to be executed on finishing. The function must accept no arguments. TypingText.run(): Run the effect. static TypingText.runAll(): Run all TypingText-enabled objects on the page.
TypingText = function(element, interval, cursor, finishedCallback) { if((typeof ********.getElementById == "undefined") || (typeof element.innerHTML ==
"undefined")) { this.running = true; // Never run. return; } this.element = element; this.finishedCallback = (finishedCallback ? finishedCallback : function() { return; }); this.interval = (typeof interval == "undefined" ? 100 : interval); this.origText = this.element.innerHTML; this.unparsedOrigText = this.origText; this.cursor = (cursor ? cursor : ""); this.currentText = ""; this.currentChar = 0; this.element.typingText = this; if(this.element.id == "") this.element.id = "typingtext" + TypingText.currentIndex++; TypingText.all.push(this); this.running = false; this.inTag = false; this.tagBuffer = ""; this.inHTMLEntity = false; this.HTMLEntityBuffer = "";
TypingText.all = new Array();
TypingText.currentIndex = 0;
TypingText.runAll = function() { for(var i = 0; i < TypingText.all.length; i++) TypingText.all[i].run();
TypingText.prototype.run = function() { if(this.running) return; if(typeof this.origText == "undefined") { setTimeout("********.getElementById('" + this.element.id + "').typingText.run()",
this.interval); // We haven't finished loading yet. Have patience. return; } if(this.currentText == "") this.element.innerHTML = "";
// this.origText = this.origText.replace(/<([^<])*>/, ""); // Strip HTML from text. if(this.currentChar < this.origText.length) { if(this.origText.charAt(this.currentChar) == "<" && !this.inTag) { this.tagBuffer = "<"; this.inTag = true; this.currentChar++; this.run(); return; } else if(this.origText.charAt(this.currentChar) == ">" && this.inTag) { this.tagBuffer += ">"; this.inTag = false; this.currentText += this.tagBuffer; this.currentChar++; this.run(); return; } else if(this.inTag) { this.tagBuffer += this.origText.charAt(this.currentChar); this.currentChar++; this.run(); return; } else if(this.origText.charAt(this.currentChar) == "&" && !this.inHTMLEntity) { this.HTMLEntityBuffer = "&"; this.inHTMLEntity = true; this.currentChar++; this.run(); return; } else if(this.origText.charAt(this.currentChar) == ";" && this.inHTMLEntity) { this.HTMLEntityBuffer += ";"; this.inHTMLEntity = false; this.currentText += this.HTMLEntityBuffer; this.currentChar++; this.run(); return; } else if(this.inHTMLEntity) { this.HTMLEntityBuffer += this.origText.charAt(this.currentChar); this.currentChar++; this.run(); return; } else { this.currentText += this.origText.charAt(this.currentChar); } this.element.innerHTML = this.currentText; this.element.innerHTML += (this.currentChar < this.origText.length - 1 ? (typeof
this.cursor == "function" ? this.cursor(this.currentText) : this.cursor) : ""); this.currentChar++; setTimeout("********.getElementById('" + this.element.id + "').typingText.run()",
this.interval); } else { this.currentText = ""; this.currentChar = 0; this.running = false; this.finishedCallback(); }
******** type="text/**********">
function showHidehitsukeFX(){ var hitsukeFX = ********.getElementById("hitsukeFX"); var w = hitsukeFX.offsetWidth; hitsukeFX.opened ? movehitsukeFX(0, 40-w) : movehitsukeFX(40-w, 0); hitsukeFX.opened = !hitsukeFX.opened; } function movehitsukeFX(x0, xf){ var hitsukeFX = ********.getElementById("hitsukeFX"); var dx = Math.abs(x0-xf) > 10 ? 5 : 1; var dir = xf>x0 ? 1 : -1; var x = x0 + dx * dir; hitsukeFX.style.right = x.toString() + "px"; if(x0!=xf){setTimeout("movehitsukeFX("+x+", "+xf+")", 10);} }
لاالهـالااللهـ محمد رسولـاللهj
There is nogodbutAllah,Mohammad istheheraldofAllah
أعضاؤنا قدموا 104 مساهمة في هذا المنتدى هذا المنتدى يتوفر على 8 عُضو. آخر عُضو مُسجل هو كريم الحسني فمرحباً به.
ككل هناك 1 عُضو حالياً في هذا المنتدى :: 0 عضو مُسجل, 0 عُضو مُختفي و 1 زائر أكبر عدد للأعضاء المتواجدين في هذا المنتدى في نفس الوقت كان 81 بتاريخ الأحد 13 أكتوبر 2024, 12:03 pm
الأعضاء المتواجدون في المنتدى: لا أحد
لا احد يحتفل اليوم بعيد ميلاده لا احد سيحتفل بعيد ميلاده خلال 7 ايام القادمة